Khai Minh 30 Years Reunion
(Feb. 18.2006) Saturday Night

Alumni's photos albums
(If you have any pictures about the KM's party
and you would like to share with friends,
please, email them to us, we will post on this website for you.)


老師們,學友們: 你們好!
   第二是非常地高興。回想1975年夏天越南形勢變動,大家匆忙分手,不告而別,30年後我們在一個離家鄉千里的另一個國土再相遇,那喜悅的心情可想而知,見大家事業有成,安居樂業、身體康健、記得那天晚上氣氛熱烈、同學們開懷暢飲, 有不少同學都喝醉了。寒窗多年,學有所成,替你們高興之餘,想到明天就要各奔西東,大家心中真是依依不捨。而且這一別,一晃就是多少年呢,其實我們是分別太久太久了,今天的重逢怎能不叫人高興萬分,感慨萬分。
第 三是深感欣慰。記得上啟明中學時,我們一個個還是孩子樣、孩子氣,如今社會的大課堂已將我們礪練的堅強、成熟,在各個工作崗位上中流砥柱、承上啟下,發揮才華,奉獻社會,沒有一位落伍者。使我們師長深感欣慰,也我們身為啟明校友而感到驕傲。今天是中華學校與啟明中學全體同學具有歷史意義的一次盛會,讓我們利用這次機會在一道好好的聊一聊、樂 一樂,敘舊話新,談談現在、過去、未來,談談工作事業、家庭、大會一定圓滿成功,大家一定收獲多多多。

Ernest Ta

All photos in those web pages had been edited to reduce the size
For viewer can quickly
view through those large amount on photos
If you see any photos that you would like to print

Just email or call us we will email you the original photos.

Provided By Tuong Tai Hiep

Provided By Khai Minh Alumni

click here to see more photos

Hi Hung,
Congratulations, job well done on the Saturday night party.
I was lucky to have a chance to participant the beautify party and thanks reserved a ticket for me. I have met couple of people from KM we never had a chance to talk before. All the old folks are looking healthy and better than the last time we met in LA. God bless all the old teachers in KM.
You guys really had a good program for the party, very touching including the young generations in the show. I know you guys much very tired after this event, hope you guys recover soon.

Will talk to you and thanks for keeping a ticket for me.
Regards, KhiPhang Mao

Dear Quoc Hung, Tai Luc and Gia Hung,
I just want to congratulate to you and the team for the excellent job in
organizing the Lunar New Year last Saturday.
Also, appreciate your great effort in pulling everything together for the
good of KhaiMinh. Please pass this
message to anyone that I may have missed.


Hi Hung,
Trang moi vua xem Khai Minh web site cua tui minh, thay cung con non nao trong long, nghi lai thay tui minh "gia ma ham dzui" qua xa! Hung va cac ban trong ban to chuc da to chuc rat tot dep va coi nhu thanh cong lam!
Congratulation for all Khai Minh members.
Hy vong nhung nam sap den trong tuong lai,tui minh se con nhieu ban be tu xa tham gia dong hon nua! Cam xuc duoc gap lai nhung ban be ngay xua,khong the
nao dien ta duoc!chi thay vui va mong uoc tinh ban Tri ky cua tat ca moi nguoi se khong bao gio doi thay...Hen gap nhau nam toi,"quay" cho con chau minh no so
luon nha!
Trang Ngo.
Thanks Hung...you've done a wonderful job on the website and keeping us informed. Looks like I missed all the fun but will see if I can attend next time. I think my Dad went to your Feb. 18th party in San Jose. He is coming back to Denver today and I'm sure I will see more pictures from him.


Hi mr. hung,
This is Long Phuong. I am a nephew of mr. LUU MY AN. We met at the new year
party in san jose. Thanks for letting me joined the party. It was a super job that you did. I enjoyed the party very much.

I hardly remember you but we all went to KHAI MINH anyway.

I checked out the web site : www.khaiminh.net , nice site and good job. I love looking at those group pics.

How about adding a chat room to the site so that we all can login and meet
old frien and chat sometime :
see ya again,


I have seen all the colorful photos, you guys were full of energy, eating, drinking, laughing , dancing and really having a good time in the party. Specially I love the Hawaii dancing show,
Thanks for your effort making it happened, hopefully we could have this kind of party every year.

Regards, KhiPhang Mao

Hi All,

It was a great party! It gave me a chance to meet all of our friends and teachers. What a school, Khai Minh!

Jacqueline.W ( L.Quyen )

Hi Hung

How are you?It’s my pleasure to donate and to be able to share and help you guys. I don’t have time and opportunity to participate in the event. You and your group are doing very good job. Without you guys, no way that we can have chance and excuse seeing our Khaiminh people.

Very nice and clear arrangement of the web. Good job. Thank you.
Khai Minh alumni

Anh Hung,
Rat cam on anh Hung ve viec post hinh cua ban hoc em,may dua no rat hao huc cho buoi lien hoan o San Jose,mot so dua chay tu LA len,dan theo vo con dum de.
Buoi tiec o Nha Trang cung to chuc vui lam ,nhung van de lon nhat la thieu nhan luc,thieu dao cu va trang phuc dep nhu o ben anh,nhung noi chung moi nguoi vui lam,hom do co den hon 650 nguoi den tham du.sang nam chac phai tang them.tiec nhat la Khai Minh Hieu Ca it nguoi biet hat,nen chi co 5 nguoi cuu hoc sinh Khai Minh hat thoi,hom do cuu hoc sinh KM du cung dong lam,tu Ninh Hoa ,Van Gia,Thanh...
Chac anh cung met nhieu sau buoi tiec ,chuc anh luon khoe va luon mang lai mon an tinh than dinh duong nhat cho ba con anh em Khai Minh.



We have been working hard for the whole year, tomorrow is the
day we have been looking forward to have fun with all great KhaiMinh's friends.
Are you guys excited ? I can hardly wait to see all good old friends.

Without friends, no one would want to live, even if he had all other goods.
~ Aristotle ~
-provided by Loc-


1.Han Hong韓紅老師
2.Han Le My韓麗美老師
3.Tang Anh Don曾敦英老師
4.Mao Ky Ban毛琪鵬老師
5.Tong Ngoc Le宋玉梨老師
6.Nguyen Thi Hoa阮氏華老師
7.Phan Le Hoa潘麗華老師
8.Luu My An劉美安老師
9.Ta Sieu Nga謝肖娥老師
10.Lam Du Hoa林尤合老師
11.Ngo Quyen Quyen吳娟娟老師
12.Tong Ngoc Lan宋玉蘭老師
13.Lam Tu Du林子瑜老師
14.Chau Quan Dinh周鈞廷老師
15.Thai Khanh Duong蔡慶揚老師
16.Han Cuc Hoa韓菊花
17.Han Quoc Binh韓國平老師
18.Luong Thien So梁善初
19. Tran Khac Van陳克雲老師
20.Ban Lan Bang龐蘭冰老師


Nha Trang Khai Minh school Alumni 30 Years Reunion Event

Saturday, February 18, 2006

-放映啟明DVD影片-校友會面 5:00pm
-啟明樂隊演奏 Khai Minh music band Entertainment 6:00pm
*晚會開始-Starting 7:00pm

1. 啟明校歌--合唱(校友合唱)
(謝國興,王玉寶,吳宋玉莊,吳鳳鶯,李瑞鳳 韓博光)
4.祝福你--合唱Song ca.(韓博光,王玉寶演唱)
5.甜蜜蜜--獨唱--Khai Minh’s the Next Generation (危保珠演唱)
6.男兒當自強--功夫表演Kung Fu Demonstration
(韓博光&黑帶武術學員表演Victor Han,Vincent Lam,Vina Lam)
7. So Tao Quan--笑劇Comedy--Mr. Apple & Ms. Apple
(蔣才力, 吳宋玉莊表演)
8. 浪花節--日本浪漫情歌--歌舞Japanese song(鍾碧鳳演唱,謝國興伴演)
9.誓言--獨唱--Khai Minh’s the Next Generation(曾嘉敏演唱)
10.夏戚夷舞蹈Hawaii Dancing 1--Khai Minh’s the Next Generation.
(Lisa, Carrie, Marlene, Christie)
11.豐收年山地舞 Alumni Dancing
.(吳寶珍, 潘玉玲, 吳麗貞, 傅家議, 韓博光, 謝國興表演)
12.啟明老師與各屆校友合照 Taking class's photos(啟明樂隊演奏)
14. Tan Co Giao Duyen(Ngoc Quyen演唱)
15.無言的結局--合唱(陳有仁, 陳碧瑚演唱)
16.漢皇送行王昭君--舞-- Khai Minh Alumni dancing.(謝國興表演)
17. Tan Tro--(Ngo Tong Ngoc Trang吳宋玉莊演唱)
19.夏戚夷舞蹈Hawaii Dancing 2--Khai Minh’s the Next Generation
(Lisa, Carrie, Marlene, Christie)
21. Nha Trang Men yeu--合唱(校友合唱)
*校友交際舞-Dancing 10:00pm
啟明樂隊演奏(樂隊成員: 葉保宏, 陳有毅, 莫靜嫦, 陳有仁, 韓國誠, 陳有財, 陳有信)
*晚會結束-Event Ending 12:00pm

