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Về Khải Minh


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Khải Minh chào đón anh hùng Kiều Thanh


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Về đây mới thấy Khải Minh

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Mỗi năm tiếng gọi Khải Minh

Bạn ơi xin nhớ hãy về Khải Minh


Yee Pho

San Carlos, California 1-17-2008

Teacher Fu

Dear KhaiMinh Friends,

It was a great lost for all KhaiMinh students, friends, and all teachers. It was a shocking news of a great teacher passed away yesterday. Today you will never hear again his voices in classes. But today we will taking time and looking back in our memory for appreciated Mr. Fu. He will be missed for many fellow students.

Mr. Fu was a great teacher. He was one of a pioneer teacher . Mr. Fu dedicated for his long life in teaching for many decades and many generations. He was teaching school in Ninh Hoa in the mid 1960 then later teaching school in Khai Minh NhaTrang until 1975. I had 6 years in Mr. Fu classes from Ninh Hoa to Khai Minh. Most of my friends from Ninh Hoa moved to Khai Minh also had 6 years with professor Mr. Fu.

Mr. Fu usually went in classes with a book and a long stick. Mr. Fu was standing very tall in classes and his voices was louded so everyone can hear him. During his lectured in classes. He liked to hit the long stick on his table minutes by minutes to ensure students in classes quiet and listened to his lectures. If Mr. Fu stopped hitting his long stick on the table for several minutes. The voices in classes became louder and louder than his voices.

Life is never stay the same as you wishes. Life is always changing. Today we are all different than 30 years ago. Today Mr. Fu is no longer in classes teaching you again. But his legend will remain to all of us. His legend will never forget and never gone. One thing I would like to say on whatever you do. Try to standing tall for yourself and your future. Always remind yourself with a long stick behind your back so you will run faster, stronger, work hard and be success. That is always a good lesson from a great teacher as Mr. Fu.

We are all wishes Mr. Fu rested at peacefully!!!

Pho Gia Nghi (class of 1972)

bất kỳ nước nào trên thế giới môn văn cũng một trong những môn quan trọng nhất.
học văn để cảm thụ cái đẹp, để nắm được cái ngữ pháp thẩm mỹ của nghệ thuật.