Autumn Thu 2008 Series
Valentines day 2008 Series
B¨ªch B¨¢o Xuân 2008 Series
Những K Niệm 1975
B¨ªch B¨¢o Xuân Đinh Hợi 2007 Series
Autumn Thu 2006 Series
Vu Lan 2006 Series
Khai Minh Summer Memories Series
ĸÓH¹Œ£Ý‹-Happy mother's Day 2006 Series

Happy Valentine's Day
Lễ  T¨¬nh  Y¨ºu

B B¨¤ng 

Ngây ngất t¨¬nh ren rối l¨°ng

đ¨ºm thâu thức trắng mõi m¨°n trông

Say ướ vọng t¨¬nh vương vấn

Mấy chục năm rồi vẫn cứ mong

Duy¨ºn nợ bẻ b¨¤ng l¨°ng nuối tiếc

Em ơi! Sao nỡ m¨¤ sang sông

Nước sông trong đục em đều g¨¢nh

Để lại anh đây mãi trng không


Tiểu Long Nữ
post date:2-14-08

T¨®c Mai Sợi Vắn Sợi D¨¤i


T¨®c vương ngấn lệ t¨¬nh dang dở

Mai n¨¤y thôi đã vỡ duy¨ºn rồi

Sợi dây nguyệt lão kết đôi

Vắn d¨¤i ai nỡ đứt hai ngậm ng¨´i

Sợi thương sợi nhớ v¨´i qu¨ºn lãng

D¨¤i canh thao thức những tưởng qu¨ºn

Lấy g¨¬ ngăn nỗi niềm ri¨ºng

Nhau rằng ta sẽ răng long bạc đầu

Chẳng ngờ đổ vỡ đau c¨´ng tận

Đặng được g¨¬ đây lận đận t¨¬nh m¨¬nh

Thương nhau chẳng được vẹn t¨¬nh

Ho¨¤i mong niệm b¨®ng h¨¬nh kh¨® phai

Ng¨¤n thương luyến nhớ d¨¤i luyến nhớ

Năm th¨¢ng n¨¤o phai nổi t¨¬nh n¨¤y


Thoại Trang
post date:2-14-08

Y¨ºu em


Y¨ºu em anh khổ thế n¨¤y

Phải chi em hiểu khổ đây cũng đ¨¤nh

Dầu cho mất nước nghi¨ºn th¨¤nh

Trăm ng¨¤n vạn kh¨® đời anh chẳng m¨¤ng .

Miễn sao ạnh ph¨²c đầy tr¨¤n

Sống đời hai đứa trăm năm đến gi¨¤

Răng long t¨®c bạc mặn m¨¤

Sống vui sống khỏe đường đời c¨® nhau .


Tiểu Long Nữ
post date:2-14-08

T¨¬nh Buồn


Tôi¡­đây người c¨® hiểu cho!

Mai n¨¤y nếu c¨®¡­ngậm ng¨´i trễ thôi

Năm qua năm đến lặng trôi

Hơi t¨¤n năm th¨¢ng cõi đời lạnh băng

đơn cay đắng ngại ng¨´ng

Hỏi đời ai c¨® đủ c¨´ng x¨®t thương!

Mai kia người c¨® hiểu thương

Đâu c¨°n𨮠tỏ tường dấu y¨ºu

Năm qua năm đến đã lâu

Thôi chờ¡­thôi đã¡­ch¨¬m sâu đ¨¢y mồ


T¨®c Mây
post date:2-14-08

T¨¬nh Đẹp Đôi


T¨¬nh y¨ºu mộng đẹp c¨® đôi

Y¨ºu nhau tha thiết cầu trơ¨¬ thương cho

Chẳng cho ly biệt chia l¨¬a

Trọn đời đẹp mãi một đôi trọn đời 

Thương nhau nguyện chẳng xa rời

ho¨¤i mong duy¨ºn thắm  t¨¬nh sâu mặn m¨¤

Ng¨¤n muôn vạn cứ đậm đ¨¤

 Năm qua năm lại đến gi¨¤ vẫn như .


Tiểu Long Nữ
post date:2-14-08

Valentine 2008


V¨¤o một s¨¢ng m¨´a xuân

Anh chợt m¨¬nh tỉnh giấc

Lặng lẻ v¨¤ bồi hồi

Em đã đến từ lâu

N một lực ngấm ngầm

Tặng anh từ thượng đế

In đậm trong sổ Trời

Nhưng anh vẫn bon chen

Em cho anh tạ tội

Hai điều anh nhớ mãi

Không được l¨¤m em buồn

Không được l¨¤m em giận

T¨¢m mươi năm vẫn thế.


Dương Qu¨¢
post date: 2-13-08

Nhớ Người Thi¨ºn Thu


Thương nhớ người xưa canh c¨¢nh l¨°ng

Hai sương một nắng cũng th¨¤nh không

Đường đời vạn nẽo trăm ng¨¤n lối

M¨°n mỏi ôi thôi những g¨¢nh gồng


Hai chục năm rồi chẳng dễ trôi

Tưởng rằng sẽ được nhẹ thân côi

Nhưng không chẳng phaỉ như hằng tưởng

Rối tr¨ª b¨´ đầu khổ thôi


Kh¨²c khuỷu đời tôi những đoạn đường

Mịt mờ từng bước dẫm đau thương

M¨¬nh tôi lặng lẽ bao ng¨¤n kh¨®

Cảm ta ơn tr¨ºn chẳng đoạn trường


Thương nhớ người xưa canh cạnh l¨°ng

Nhớ người tôi đã chẳng th¨¤nh ngông

công t¨ªch sự, đời dương thế

Tỏ thường tập lắng trong


T¨®c Mây
post date:2-13-08

T¨¬nh Chia Đôi


T¨¬nh g¨¬ mãi nhớ mãi thương      

Y¨ºu nhau chẳng trọn đoạn trường nhớ nhung

Chẳng tr¨°n duy¨ºn nợ vấn vương

Trọn đời giữ mãi l¨°ng  thương một người

Thương nhau nhớ mãi nhớ ho¨¤i

Ho¨¤i mộng ước kết đôi duy¨ºn th¨¤nh

Ng¨¤n năm vẫn một b¨®ng h¨¬nh

Năm qua th¨¢ng lại chỉ đ¨¤nh nhớ thương.


 Tiểu Long Nữ
post date:2-13-08

Nhớ Ng¨¤y Lễ T¨¬nh Nhân


Ng¨¤y lễ t¨¬nh nhân lại nhớ người

Nhớ ơi l¨¤ nhớ, người c¨´ng tôi

Trong ng¨¤y lễ ấy nồng n¨¤n ấm

Vui lễ t¨¬nh nhân tôi với người


Ng¨¤y lễ t¨¬nh nhân đến mọi năm

Nhớ người, người đã qu¨¢ xa xăm¡­

Tôi đ¨¤nh, ôm k¨ªn chôn v¨´i hết

Nhưng vẫn nhớ người nhớ lặng câm


Ng¨¤y lễ t¨¬nh nhân để tặng nhau

Ri¨ºng tôi ngư¨°i đã¡­ về từ lâu!..

 M¨¬nh tôi trơ trọi niềm nhung nhớ

Ng¨¤y lễ t¨¬nh nhân nhớ thâm sâu


Ng¨¤y lễ t¨¬nh nhân lại đến rồi

Chuyện xưa ng¨¤y chẳng m¨°n trôi

Bao nhi¨ºu kỷ niệm gợi thương nhớ

Ng¨¤y lễ t¨¬nh nhân tôi với người


Thoại Trang
post date:2-12-08

What Is Love ?

Love is a very crucial subject and people can not live without it since the beginning of time. 6 billions people in this world may have 6 billions different points of views and definitions. The subject of Love is as vast as the boundless universe. No one has the privilege to define love for other people. I really appreciate to have a chance to share my humble point of view
upon this Valentine¡¯s Day.

Why I want to write about love? Because that¡¯s the most important factor in our life, without food we can survive for about 50 days or so, without water we can survive around 1 week or more, but without love we will become insane and become an extremely dangerous living being in our society. In my humble opinion, in general there are two kind of love, Conditional Love and True Love. Once we thoroughly understand the root cause of the two, we will definitely solve our chaotic mind and disturbed emotions and we will find peace and tranquility deep inside our souls.

Conditional Love

In order to illustrate the Conditional Love, let follow the conversation between a King and a Queen who has a much deeper spiritual life than the King.

King : My beloved wife, do you love me?
Queen : My Majesty, of course I love you so much, why you ask that ?
King : My beloved wife, sometimes I wonder do you really love me?
Queen : Well, My Majesty, since you ask me many times, if you really want to know the
true and only if you forgive me by telling the true then I will say it.
( The King was surprised by the strange answer of the Queen )
King : What is that, my beloved wife ? You sound kind of strange today, please tell me
the true, I will not mad at you.
Queen : Ok, if you insist to know the true. The true is I love myself much more than I
love you, my Majesty.
King : That is strange, nobody say that to me before, would you please explain, I am
still not quite understand.
Queen : I always say I love you, the true is because you provide me all the things that I
need, you grant me the power that I want, you satisfy all my desires, that is
why I love you but actually I love myself first.
King : Well, My Beloved Wife, I have never heard that before, that is strange to me.
Queen : That is not strange at all my dear Majesty, you are the same.
King : Please explain, I still don¡¯t understand.
Queen : You love me because I also satisfy your desires and always stay by your side
obeying and serving you anything that you need days and nights. I make you feel
that you own me as your property. I make you feel that you are very important
person in my life. ( she paused for a moment )

Let me ask you what if I fall in love with anyone else, what do you do to me ?
( The King starts getting angry and stared at her )
King : That¡¯s impossible, I am the King, no one has ever betrayed me.
Queen : What would you do if I fall in love with someone else ? Would you chop my
head off ?
( The King paused for a while, and nodded his head )
Queen : Now you see what I mean, you love yourself much more than you love me.
But not many people see the root cause behind it.

When two people love each other, they have a tendency to miss each other when
they are apart. He misses her because of her face, her figure, her voice, her touch,
her smell, her manner, her ideas from which he can enjoy some sense of pleasures
when he meets her. So his demands have been satisfied upon those conditions. If
those conditions no longer bring him satisfaction, his love toward her will
be faded away quickly. That¡¯s so called impermanence, things keep changing
constantly. Our chemical substances in our bodies keep changing constantly, so is
our minds.

If we really understand the root cause of the phenomenon, we would not have been
fooled by misconception which lead to suffering and chaotic minds and we would
have the great courage to face loneliness. If we have the right view about every
matter in life we will be able to balance the equilibrium of Yin and Yang in our
bodies so we can achieve more peace and tranquility in our minds.

True Love

Now what¡¯s true love, this is only my own view, everybody may have different views. This is a true story that I have witnessed long ago on the street but I did not see the meaning behind it until now.

There was an Asian female beggar who was around 65 years old with a worn-out clothes wandering on the empty street at night, seems to be very hungry, looking for something to eat, searching from one trash container to another along the street. There came a foreign tourist who was approaching her in the opposite direction, having back pack on his shoulder. A lady beggar did not give up a chance to stop him and beg him for a mercy donation. A heartfelt tourist offered her his watch but she refused by shaking her head (She did not speak his language at all). He then took out some money and gave it to her but this time she also shook her head again. He was reluctant and wondering what she really wanted and then he reached his backpack and pull out a small loaf of bread. She opened her big eyes with happy smile on her face and grabbed the bread without any hesitation. At that instant the tourist understood that she was so hungry, all she needed was food to eat. What did she do with a watch and money in this empty street at night? At this moment she did not need those things that she can not eat in the empty dark street. All of a sudden from the other side of the street, a hungry dirty crippled dog running as fast as it could to a lady beggar when it saw a small loaf of bread in her hand. A lady beggar who broke the bread in half without hesitation, threw it to a strange dirty dog. They both ate in a hurry with appreciation expressed in their faces.

A tiny small of bread was not enough to fill a quarter of a lady beggar¡¯s stomach but she broke the bread in half without any hesitation to a strange dirty dog. That was an act of great love. Her act was so natural, so instinct. Her great love is beyond the discrimination between human and animal. She saw the hunger of a dog is the hunger of herself. She felt the suffering of a dog is the suffering of her own. Other¡¯s agony is her agony. With such true love, we can sense the suffering is there but there is no so called ¡°my own suffering¡±; there is ¡°no self¡± in it anymore. There is no boundary between herself and people or even animal outside of her body, the universe and her all become oneness. Her mind has reached beyond the Duality, You and I. From her instinct behavior, we don¡¯t see a ¡°self¡± inside of her. Her act was so natural without any hesitation, any judgment and any logical thinking. It just came out naturally and beautifully from her true love, not through thinking and consideration before doing thing. Through her instinct natural reaction to a dog, great compassion is radiated to the endless space and her true love is as vast as the boundless sky.


That is the difference between ¡°Conditional Love and True Love¡°, with conditional love there will be a personal suffering, because there is a ¡°self¡± involved. Wherever there is ¡°self¡±, there are selfishness, jealousness, anger, hatred, sorrow, depression, ignorance and greed. With true love the suffering does exist but ¡°no self¡± in it, the suffering of the world is the suffering of our own. Wherever there is ¡°no self, no ego¡±, there are compassion, happiness, joy, peace, tranquility, smile, love and sharing. The happiness of other people is the happiness of our own. The more we think of ourselves only, the more we will have disturbed emotions and suffering. The more we care for others, the more we feel happy. I hope this little contribution would diminish the suffering in every aspect of our lives and would help us to achieve more peace and tranquility which is a real bliss.

Bac Han ¡­
post date:2-12-08

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